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Our Blog2017-12-01T23:15:30-05:00

Gut Dysbiosis and Digestive Health (FREE Masterclass)

Watch the FREE online masterclass NOW Have you heard the term "gut dysbiosis"? Gut dysbiosis is a negative shift in the microbial communities within the small or large intestine resulting in health conditions or symptoms. Generally speaking, it is an imbalance of gut microbes compared to healthy individuals recognizing that everyone has a unique microbiota. There [...]

How to Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19

Your guide to COVID-19 This article has the following 9 parts: Preventative steps against COVID-19 Who’s at risk and why? Critical Risk Factors for COVID-19 How to mitigate CoV-2 risk by addressing underlying health issues  Actions steps for addressing metabolic syndrome Digestive health and COVID-19 How does our microbiota relate to CoV-2? Action steps for [...]

Myths on SIBO Treatment

The 3 common questions on SIBO treatment and answers that may surprise you: Q 1. Don’t we need antibiotics for SIBO as low fermentable carbohydrate diets do not “eradicate” an overgrowth in the small intestine? Q 2. I am worried about being on low-FODMAP, low-carb diet, Fast Tract Diet, etc. for a long time because [...]

SIBO Treatment: Antibiotics or Diet?

Antibiotics alone, diet alone or the combination of the two will not cure SIBO unless your specific underlying cause(s) are identified and addressed. However, a science-based diet that limits ALL fermentable carbohydrates should be used as the first line therapy over antibiotics because: The diet approach is safe and provides a durable response Your underlying [...]

LPR Diet – Why PPIs Do Not Work for LPR (Laryngopharyngeal Reflux)?

Question Is it safe to use a PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) over the short term to determine if I actually have LPR instead of a chronic sinus infection? Also, if it is (reflux-related) LPR, is it necessary to go on medication? My doctor keeps telling me that it would be worse to have acid in [...]

What Do Gut Bacteria And Diet Have To Do With Parkinson’s Disease?

A clear link between gut bacteria and Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been established by Caltech researchers led by microbiologist, Sarkis Mazmanian. The study published in the Dec 1, 2016 issue of Cell sheds new light on PD for researchers investigating effective treatments for this incurable central nervous system disorder. One of the leading areas of [...]

Diet over Drugs: 3 Step Plan for IBS, Diarrhea, Constipation, Bloating and Acid Reflux

Are you familiar with the term, Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs)? Don’t let this five-letter acronym intimidate you. It simply refers to conditions or symptoms affecting the digestive tract for which no structural problem or biochemical cause is observed by standard testing such as endoscopy, imaging or blood tests. These are some examples of FGIDs: Irritable [...]

GERD diet that works without drugs

This is the final article of a four part series on acid reflux and GERD. Read the first article on the underlying cause, the second article on the myths of H. pylori and low stomach acid being the major causes and the third article on the main stream medical treatments. Online dietary advice for GERD is often [...]

What Really Causes Acid Reflux and GERD?

This is the first article of a four-part series on acid reflux and GERD. Read the second article on the myths of H. pylori and low stomach acid being the major causes, the third article on the mainstream medical treatments, and the final article on the myths of trigger foods and a GERD diet that works [...]

SIBO Diets and Digestive Health – It’s about Fermentable Carbohydrates

What is the most effective SIBO diet? Since releasing my first book in the Fast Tract Digestion book series on Heartburn which linked chronic acid reflux to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), I have received many inquiries about using the Fast Tract Diet to treat other SIBO-related conditions such as IBS (update: Fast Tract Digestion IBS / Fast [...]

Is Rifaximin Really Safe for SIBO? A New Study Says Think Again

Rifaximin and SIBO: What You Need to Know If you’ve been prescribed Xifaxan (rifaximin) for SIBO, IBS, traveler’s diarrhea, or other digestive issues, you may reconsider its long-term efficacy and safety.A recent study published in Nature  has identified a concerning link between rifaximin use and resistance to daptomycin—a last-resort antibiotic used to treat life-threatening infections caused [...]

How to Fix SIBO and Prevent Recurrence

This is the transcript of the "How to Fix SIBO and Prevent Recurrence" video on YouTube. To watch it, click here. Today’s topic is SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and how to address it effectively to prevent recurrence.  SIBO is a complex topic, and research is ongoing to improve diagnostics and treatment. But let’s talk [...]

Are PPIs a Risk Factor for SIBO or Not?

Some studies have found PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) are a risk factor for SIBO. And others have found a lack of a statistical difference. Here are some of the published findings This recent study by the Pimentel group found no statistical difference in SIBO between PPI-uses and non-users but did observe some level of dysbiosis. [...]

Categories: acid reflux drugs, C diff, GERD, IBS, SIBO|0 Comments

How To Fix LPR – LPR Diet That Stops Reflux

If you want to watch this content on YouTube, click here. What is LPR? LPR is known as silent reflux. It's because classic reflux symptoms like heartburn are often absent. But it’s a form of reflux where the contents from your stomach including: Acid Pepsin Often bile Other intestinal contents travel up the esophagus to the [...]

How to Stop Reflux – Going Beyond Trigger Foods for GERD

If you want to watch this content on YouTube, click here. Let's talk about food and reflux You may have heard about standard trigger foods for GERD, avoiding fats, fried and spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.  But will avoiding these foods work? The science is conflicting.  This [...]

Low Stomach Acid – 6 Common Causes

If you want to watch this content on YouTube, click here. If you have the following symptoms, you may suffer from low stomach acid: Gas Heartburn Bloating Burping Diarrhea Constipation Nausea Feeling fullness Fatigue Another name for low stomach acid is hypochlorhydria. But some people don't make any stomach acid, and a condition referred to [...]

How to Self-Test for Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

If you want to watch this content on YouTube, click here. What is non-celiac gluten sensitivity? Over 3 million people in the US alone adhere to a gluten-free diet, and over two-thirds of those, 72%, do not have celiac disease. Many believe that they have non-celiac gluten sensitivity. But according to some of the top [...]

How to Improve Your Gut Microbiota Naturally

In our modern Western lifestyle, it’s all but impossible to avoid: Food poisoning Antibiotics and other drugs Chemicals Preservatives Many people are also impacted by: Caesarean births Formula feeding Poor diet choices Over- or under-eating Other illnesses that negatively affect the health of our gut microbiota Given the challenging environment we live in, it’s more [...]

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