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How to Stop Reflux – Going Beyond Trigger Foods for GERD

If you want to watch this content on YouTube, click here. Let's talk about food and reflux You may have heard about standard trigger foods for GERD, avoiding fats, fried and spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.  But will avoiding these foods work? The science is conflicting.  This [...]

Gut Dysbiosis and Digestive Health (FREE Masterclass)

Watch the FREE online masterclass NOW Have you heard the term "gut dysbiosis"? Gut dysbiosis is a negative shift in the microbial communities within the small or large intestine resulting in health conditions or symptoms. Generally speaking, it is an imbalance of gut microbes compared to healthy individuals recognizing that everyone has a unique microbiota. There [...]

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