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How to Stop Reflux – Going Beyond Trigger Foods for GERD

If you want to watch this content on YouTube, click here. Let's talk about food and reflux You may have heard about standard trigger foods for GERD, avoiding fats, fried and spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.  But will avoiding these foods work? The science is conflicting.  This [...]

How to Self-Test for Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

If you want to watch this content on YouTube, click here. What is non-celiac gluten sensitivity? Over 3 million people in the US alone adhere to a gluten-free diet, and over two-thirds of those, 72%, do not have celiac disease. Many believe that they have non-celiac gluten sensitivity. But according to some of the top [...]

Gut Dysbiosis and Digestive Health (FREE Masterclass)

Watch the FREE online masterclass NOW Have you heard the term "gut dysbiosis"? Gut dysbiosis is a negative shift in the microbial communities within the small or large intestine resulting in health conditions or symptoms. Generally speaking, it is an imbalance of gut microbes compared to healthy individuals recognizing that everyone has a unique microbiota. There [...]

SIBO Treatment: Antibiotics or Diet?

Antibiotics alone, diet alone or the combination of the two will not cure SIBO unless your specific underlying cause(s) are identified and addressed. However, a science-based diet that limits ALL fermentable carbohydrates should be used as the first line therapy over antibiotics because: The diet approach is safe and provides a durable response Your underlying [...]

New study suggests a specific type of gut microbe may cause rheumatoid arthritis

Could one lowly bacterium, Prevotella copri, train the immune system to produce the type of human immune cell (Th17) responsible for inflammation and bone damage in arthritis? According to a new study, also reported on in Wired, the answer could be yes. Based on some provocative early studies in mice, a team lead by Dan [...]

C diff Infection Linked to Heartburn Drugs

The FDA has warned for some time that the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for heartburn increases the risk of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea. Now, a new review of 33 separate studies shows that prescription strength versions of the less potent heartburn drugs called H2 antagonists such as Pepcid, Tagamet, Zantac, and Axid, carry the [...]

Antibiotics Linked to Celiac Disease

A Swedish team of scientists led by Dr. Karl Mårild, recently reported a link between taking antibiotics and the development of celiac disease[i]. Note: You can download the entire article free. Celiac disease is an autoimmune reaction to gluten proteins contained in wheat, rye and barley. The disease process causes inflammation and villus atrophy (which [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:26:47-04:00September 17th, 2013|antibiotics, Bacteria, Celiac Disease, IBS, SIBO|4 Comments

In response to Jeff Leach’s blog article: “Sorry low carbers, your microbiome is just not that into you”

I recommend that people with digestive health issues reduce, NOT increase, hard to digest fermentable carbohydrates to control symptoms of IBS, acid reflux and other digestive health issues related to general imbalance of gut microbes (dysbiosis) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This approach is outlined in my two books, Fast Tract Digestion IBS and [...]

Our Germs – What Do We Know About Them?

A friend sent me a great article called "Some of My Best Friends Are Germs" by Michael Pollan about the efforts by a team led by Rob Knight at the BioFrontiers Institute at the University of Colorado, Boulder working on something called the American Gut project. The team analyzes the hundreds of microbial species harbored by [...]

Fast Tract Digestion IBS – Now Available

The Fast Tract Digestion IBS ebook is now available on Amazon (Update: The print book is also available through the Digestive Health Institute)! What Really Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and How Best To Treat It? If you suffer from IBS, you are not alone. IBS affects up to 50 million people in the US. The small intestinal bacterial [...]

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